two hours

Premiere: November 17, 2018, Velocity Dance Center (Access Velocity)
(run time: 50 minutes)

An evening length performance about the relationship between me and my mother, her alcoholism, the passage of time, and the inevitable loss that resulted from the disease.

Ale Madera Roumanis Producer, Director, Choreographer, Dancer
Meredith Sallee Dancer, Rehearsal Assistant, Choreographic Assistant
Karina Melikyan Dancer
Shushanik Babayan Dancer
Amiya Brown Lighting Designer
Amber Parker Associate Lighting Designer
Sound Arranged and Edited by Ale Madera Roumanis

two hours started with a 2018 Creative Residency awarded by Velocity Dance
Center and has continued in development over the past year.

Video available upon request

”Seattle_Spring 2019” Dance International, Kaitlin McCarthy

Photos: Michelle Smith Lewis

Film available upon request. Email

“shows dance as a powerful tool to process and communicate complicated histories, transforming hardship and love into something beautiful and profound.”

— Kaitlin McCarthy, Dance International Magazine


Stage: retitled: sophomore slump